A downloadable game for Windows

Imagine the daily life of a unique Vacuum Robot Utility Meowchine (or V.R.U.M.) with the ability to re calibrate its robotic disc shaped vacuum body into the form of a mechanical cat! 

V.R.U.M. for Hire!  explores this Robotic Vacuum Cleaner’s perspective as it must take on cleaning jobs to earn “gears” that allow upgrades and ensure survival. Every job is at a different residence, all levels full of trash that you, as V.R.U.M., are required to clean to earn your keep.

 Change your form from vacuum to cat as you navigate through each level efficiently cleaning as you go!


These game files contain 2 levels, one solo (Fancy Kitchen) and one 2 player co-op (Igloo).  These levels are prototypes, purposely without all planned mechanics implemented, just the core mechanics. These levels are playable! 



Fancy Kitchen Level (Solo Player)

  • WASD: Movement (up, down, left, right)
  • Space: Jump
  • Left Shift: Change form
  • Left Mouse Click: Suck up trash
  • Deposit Trash: Bump into trash cans

Igloo Level (2 Player Co-op, Split screen)

  • WASD: Movement (both P1 V.R.U.M. and P2 C.W.A.C.)
  • Left CTRL: Suck up trash  (P1 V.R.U.M.)
  • Right CTRL: Mop up puddles (P2 C.W.A.C.)
  • Deposit Trash: Bump into trash can
  • Deposit Puddles: Bump into bucket
Published 29 days ago
Tags3D, Casual, cleaning, Cute, Prototype


Level2_Build.zip 164 MB
Level3_Build.zip 92 MB

Install instructions

Download .zip files with entire build (two levels available, each with a separate .zip file). Unzip the folder and run the .exe to play the build. Controls are listed in the description.